If you are the author, do tag the post as OC! In the event that you cannot find or link to the source directly, please say so in the title and explain why in the comments.ħ. Do not rehost without the author's permission. Post the source as the submission if it is from the original site. This includes material that is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, unnecessarily violent, harassing, morally questionable or otherwise objectionable. No unsavoury, excessively violent or lascivious content. Flair Posts! We want people to be able to easily filter what they would like to see.Ĥ. Please post Tangled or /r/Tangled community related stuff.ģ. Be nice to each other! Any comment or post that could be considered racist, sexist or homophobic in any way, shape or form will be removed.Ģ. If something is not right, please do not hesitate to use the Report function! Reports are anonymous and notifies the moderators. If your submission or comment is not showing up, or you have issues and suggestions that you would like to bring up, do send us a modmail and we will check it out. I'm sure there are enough fans out there to agree that it deserves its own unofficial subreddit. Tangled is both an amazingly awesome movie and TV Series by Disney.